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How to Always Feel Motivated to Do a Great Job

By | 15 June 2021 |

Staying motivated can be a challenge when you’ve got so much to do. You may have your career path mapped out and know where you want to be in five years. However, dealing with day-to-day pressures can sap your motivation. It can seem that you have got an endless list of things to do. As soon as you score off one thing, you have to add two or three more.

There are so many things in life that require motivation. It could be getting up earlier to go to the gym. Or you may have to study hard to get through a course you need for a promotion. It could even be that you’ve lost your motivation at work, and your tasks are now a chore.

One of the reasons why it’s tough staying motivated is “cause and effect.” This means that it’s not always easy to see immediate results from your efforts. Usually, progress doesn’t happen overnight. So, after a strenuous workout at the gym, you probably won’t immediately feel the effects. Choosing a healthy dinner option doesn’t mean you’ll lose weight the next day. Long-term results are usually from consistent effort over a period of time.

What are some of the best ways to always feel motivated to do your best? This article has some excellent tips on how to keep your motivation levels high.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is a driving factor to accomplish something meaningful. It is defined as an internal drive or condition that evokes change. Motivation releases energy that spurs a person on in the direction required to achieve goals.

Why is Motivation Important?

Motivation is vital because it allows you to change your behaviour. Only through being motivated can a person gain success, reach goals, and ultimately enjoy greater internal happiness.

You could liken motivation to the engine in a car. When driving along a flat surface or going down a hill, little power is required by the engine. However, as soon as the car starts going up a hill, more energy is needed to reach the top.

It’s the same with motivation. When things are easy, it’s not difficult to get things done, and usually, little effort is required. However, when you’re faced with more difficult tasks or want to make drastic changes, tremendous effort or motivation is needed. You will just not cut it using minimal effort if you’ve got an “uphill” struggle.

How to Always Feel Motivated to Do a Great Job

How to Stay Motivated for Greater Success

1. Set realistic goals

Motivation is necessary to achieve goals. This means that at the start, you need to set realistic goals that you can reach. Of course, you may have a few major goals that you ultimately want to achieve—but they will take time. So, you need to split goals into smaller ones that are achievable in a reasonable time. It’s a good idea to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals.

For example, suppose you want to get motivated to work out. When you start an exercise program to lose weight, your first goals should be ones you can reach quickly. It could be as simple as working out for an hour three times a week. This is more achievable than only having the goal of losing 5 kilograms in 5 months.

Related reading: Mistakes to avoid when setting goals.

2. Regularly review goals and progress

There are two reasons why it’s vital to review goals regularly to stay motivated.

First, reviewing goals allows you to see what you’ve achieved. This can be a powerful motivator to keep going. Your self-esteem also gets a welcome boost—yet another way to stay motivated.

Second, reviewing goals can help you see if your goals are reasonable. If you find it challenging to reach your goals, maybe it’s best to revaluate your goals, so they are more reachable.

Related reading: How to reach goals in five easy steps.

3. Have a setback plan

Realising that you will face setbacks is not being defeatist—it’s realistic. At times you will face an uphill struggle and even setbacks. The better prepared you are, the greater your chance of getting back on your feet. View setbacks as learning opportunities to improve your performance in the future.

4. Associate with the right people

When you’re working hard to reach your goals, it’s vital to surround yourself with the right people. Other people’s moods and opinions rub off. If you have motivated, positive people around you, you’ll find it easier to find success.

5. Have a reward system

Rewards can be powerful motivators when need to achieve goals. At the basic level, you could try the Pomodoro Method, where you take 5 minutes off for every 25 minutes of work. But it would be best if you always have something to look forward to. So, treat yourself to something you enjoy after finishing an important task. While you’re enjoying your treat, reflect on the good you’ve accomplished.