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Speaker Enquiry

John Brodie


After Dinner - Business - Challenge - Change Management - Climate Change - Corp. Social Responsibility - Environment - Innovation - Inspiration - Inspirational - Keynote Speakers - Leadership - Management - Resources - Risk Management - Small Business - Strategy

Sustainable Business Expert

As we tackle the issues of climate change and inevitably move towards a carbon restricted economy, many are looking for a solution for future generations. Sustainability is the solution and John Brodie has the answers to show business how being green will not only improve practice – both socially and environmentally - but may also save money.

John Brodie established VIM Sustainability Consulting in 2003 to cater for the growing demand for his individual expertise and the interest in sustainability, due to our increased awareness of climate change.

When properly managed, sustainability has been proven to increase profits and reduce environmental loads while improving occupant health and comfort. Sustainability is more than changing light globes and installing a water tank - it is a coordinated, cost effective approach and philosophy that minimises risk and maximises opportunity for businesses and homes.

About John

John is a construction professional with more than 30 years experience in a variety of contracting disciplines covering project management, design management, architecture and building.
John is passionate about practical sustainability in the built environment and has promoted sustainable building since the 1970’s to architects, clients and authorities.

Focusing on providing sustainable yet practical concept design, construction and operational management strategies, John offers solutions for all components of the built environment. This includes building thermal and energy assessments using the latest software packages and advising on project compliance under the new Section J Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements for Energy Efficiency.


John is a project management graduate from the University of Technology, Sydney.
His other qualifications include:

  • Accredited ‘Green Star’ Professional
  • Accredited Thermal Building Assessor in AccuRate - second generation
    thermal and energy analysis software for Association of Building
    Sustainability Assessors (ABSA)
  • Accredited for DesignBuilder- and EnergyPlus- building thermal and
    energy modelling software by Institute of Engineers
  • Licensed builder
  • Full member of Australian Institute of Project Managers (MAIPM)
  • Full member Association of Building Sustainability Assessors (ABSA)
  • Affiliate member Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
    (CIBSE) (UK)

Presentation Topics Include

  • Sustainability, Risk or Opportunity-The New Imperative
  • Sustainability - The Triple Bottom Line
  • Sustainable Building: The Way of the Future
  • The Cost of Sustainability
  • Designing to Suit the Environment
  • Creating Healthy Buildings
  • Sustainability: The lessons Learned

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