Business guru Robert Gottliebsen has received two of journalism’s highest honours for his immense contribution to communicating and commenting on the business and finance sector. The founder of top selling magazines, BRW, Personal Investor and Shares, Robert also shares his considerable experience through television, radio, internet and The Australian newspaper. His wealth of knowledge has educated Australian’s for over 30 years.
Robert Gottliebsen has spent more than 30 years writing and commentating about business and investment in Australia. He has won the Walkley award and Australian Journalist of the Year Award, two of journalism’s highest honours.
In 1974 Gottliebsen started the Chanticleer column in the Australian Financial Review, which is still running more than a quarter of a century later. In 1980 he handed the Chanticleer column onto a number of successors; journalists that he had helped train.
In 1981 Gottliebsen founded BRW magazine and helped build the weekly business magazine readership to the highest in the world on a per capita basis.
In 1983 he started the top selling Personal Investor Magazine and in 1998 Shares Magazine. Gottliebsen appears regularly on television and has been a significant contributor to the Internet.
In 1999 he became host of the Business Daily TV show on Sky News. In 2000 he moved his Business Daily TV studio to “The Australian" Newspaper where he was appointed National Business Commentator. Until 2006 Gottliebsen had a unique role in Australian journalism, communicating business ideas and comments through, “The Australian", TV shows, the Internet and regular radiobroadcasts. Robert continues to write in “The Australian", and to speak to organisations, whilst also pursuing a “sea-change".
Robert, as a highly respected commentator has completed hundreds of presentations to clients including: Microsoft, Freemarkets, Infosys, MDMC, ADMA, Telstra, McCullough Lawyers, Institute of Engineers, Amcor, Local Government, CPA’s, State Government, Geopolymers, Institute of Directors Australia, Institute of Directors NZ, Federal Government and many more…
“Excellent. Robert is an excellent speaker, definitely worth the money spent."
“Excellent. Robert was well prepared and delivered a thought provoking and humorous presentation. The feedback has been terrific."
The Institution of Engineers
“High quality presentation, very current and relevant."
The Examiner
“Robert was very informative and covered a lot in the allocated time. His talk was very well received and valued by the audience."
Excellent- Robert’s knowledge, insight and commentary to our audience on the Henry Tax Review and the global economy was entertaining, relevant and concise. Robert was well received by all in attendance and I would be happy to recommend to others.
South Australian Chamber of Mines